Noor Fitriah, Mazroatul Ishlahiyah


Motivation plays important role to success foreign language learning for English. It has become a great demand for college students because they have been required to learn English not only for their qualification but also for their career advancement. The study investigates the correlation of motivation applied by learners at university level and their learning strategies use. Moreover, 48 English learners participated to fill out the questionnaire reflecting their motivation type and strategy in learning English. The findings revealed instrumental motivation has mean score of 76,21 while integrative motivation only has mean score of 74,31. It means English learners at university level are in instrumentally motivated. Learning strategies were used at a medium level of frequency which are memory strategy (M=3.64), affective strategy (M=3.30), metacognitive strategy (M=3.29), social strategy (M=3.36), cognitive strategy (M=3.24), and compensation strategy (M=3,09). English learners applied memory strategies most and compensation strategies least frequently. The students instrumentally motivated had r score of use of 0,56 (s.d=4,54), while students integratively motivated had r score of use of 0,45 (s.d.=6,06). It has average correlation of use of overall learning strategies by those learning English with instrumental motivation and those with integrative motivation. Thus, the learners learn English for a specific purpose such as more career-oriented, vocational purposes and keep up with development of world economy, science, and technology (globalization).


instrumental motivation; integrative motivation; language learning strategies

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