Jumiati Jumiati, Rizky Najerin, Muhammad Didi Karim


Interest is the central force that drives the whole machinery of the teaching-learning process. Therefore, this research aims to describe students’ interest at SMAN 1 Amuntai in writing procedure text. The research method is descriptive quantitative. The instruments used were writing tests and questionnaires. The subjects were students of class X MIPA 1. The students' writing abilities in the content category is 3.9 which is classified as very good. The ability of students to write in the organization is 2.9 it is classified as good/fair. The students' abilities to write grammar as much as 3.3 was classified as very good. The ability of students to write good vocabulary in grammar is 3.3 which is classified as very good. The ability of students who write in mechanics is 3.1 which is classified as very good. The students' attentions and willingness in writing procedure text were at the average or standard level, while their needs in writing procedure text were at a very good level. Based on the result of the research, the three indicators of students’ interest indicate that most of students have standard interest in writing procedure text, even some of students have very good and low interest in writing procedure text.


Students’ interest; writing; procedure text

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