Muna Muna, Noor Aisyah, Nur Rahmadani


Inappropriate use of media will make inconvenience in teaching and learning process in a classroom. In overcoming this problem, it is necessary to use a variety and appropriate media which make students interesting in learning English. The objective of this research is to find out the variety of media used by the teacher in the classroom and to find out the perception of student about the media used by English teacher at Undergraduate Law Study Program. This research used mix method approach followed by questionnaire and interview as the instruments. Based on the result, it can be seen that there are some media used by teacher when teaching English, such as PowerPoint, whiteboard, English book and dictionary. Positive perception is given by students toward the benefit of media used by the teacher. By using those media, students are easier to understand the materials, more interested and more motivated in learning activities, so they can be more active, effective, efficient and saving time, and also students can relate the material given to everyday life. However, there are still a few negative perceptions from students toward teacher’s media in the classroom.


media; perception; students; teacher

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