Haji Rifqah, Nia Azizah


This study is motivated by the interest of researchers to examine efforts to resolve household problems in order to remain harmonious and avoid acts of domestic violence (KDRT) in the community of Rantau Bujur Hilir village, Sungai Tabukan sub-district. Because in undergoing a household ark, it is inevitable between husband and wife that domestic problems arise which require various efforts in solving them in order to remain harmonious and without domestic violence. This study aims to find out how the efforts made by the community of Rantau Bujur Hilir village, Sungai Tabukan sub-district in solving household problems that are harmonious and avoid domestic violence (KDRT). The results of this study indicate that the efforts made by the community of Rantau Bujur Hilir Village, Sungai Tabukan Subdistrict in solving household problems in order to remain harmonious and avoid domestic violence, namely: 1.Finding solutions to all problems: The steps to find a solution, namely: -Open communication: -Understand your partner's perspective; -Identify the problem; -Work with your partner in finding solutions; -Make compromises; -Consult with experts; -Improve communication: -Give time for change; -The importance of openness and honesty; and -Self-reflection. 2.Finding the root of the problem; Identifying the root of the problem, then understanding the source of the conflict and working towards a more sustainable solution, which must be done jointly between husband and wife. 3.Silencing the problem; Leaving the problem unresolved is not a long-term solution, but it can be a temporary option. Giving time and space to reflect can be beneficial, but it is also important that open communication and active problem-solving are necessary to address household problems, not just sitting on them without action.


Problem, Household, Harmonious, Domestic Violence

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