Sami Faidhullah, Nurul Huda


The problem raised in this research is prewedding photos that have now become a phenomenon and culture in the midst of society. Prewedding photos that are closely related to Western culture often lead to violations of sharia, such as revealing the aurat and even making out. The aim is to find out how the views of the community in South Amuntai District on the culture of prewedding photos and how Islamic law reviews the culture of prewedding photos. This research is a type of research that uses qualitative methods. The results of this research show that the practice in South Amuntai Subdistrict is carried out by taking certain photo poses, such as hugging, holding hands, closeness, and revealing the aurat. The motivation for doing prewedding photos is to document photos so that there are mementos and to follow trends. The community's view of the culture of prewedding photos tends to disagree, because it is considered to violate ethical norms and Islamic law. In the view of Islamic law, prewedding photos include permissible muamalah actions, as long as in their implementation there are no reasons or reasons that violate the Sharia. Meanwhile, if the couple in the prewedding photo is not yet married, then this prewedding photo is forbidden. In the case of the people of South Amuntai Subdistrict, the prewedding photos practiced are not in line with Islamic law and ethics, such as making out between the two candidates, touching, being close, holding hands, even though there is no contract between them. These actions fall within the scope of activities approaching adultery. For this reason, all elements of society need to address the culture of prewedding photos wisely and still pay attention to ethics and Islamic law.


Prewedding, Photo Culture, Islamic Law

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