Rahmatillah Rahmatillah, Bahrul Maji


This research is motivated by the politics of law that emerged as one of the alternative legal disciplines in the midst of methodological needs in understanding the complexity of the relationship between law and non-law entities and the legal consequences of marriages that are not registered at PPN and KUA and the position of marriage registration in an effort to realize the goal of maslahah in humans. This research uses a library research method, which in legal studies is called normative legal research or doctrinal legal research. The data used in this research is secondary data, which includes legal materials (primary and secondary) and non-legal materials. Primary legal materials used to examine state law are Law No. 1 of 1974 concerning marriage and the Child Protection Law (Law No. 23 of 2002 amended by Law No. 35 of 2014). The collection of legal materials was partly carried out using literature search techniques in libraries and the internet. The implementation of nikah siri in the eyes of positive law in Indonesia is considered invalid, so that it will affect the legal power of the husband and wife to their rights.


Political Law, Human Rights, Siri Marriage

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