Mahmud Mahmud


This study aims to explain the contribution of interactive media in learning fiqh in the era of the industrial revolution 4.0 The method used in this paper is descriptive analysis method. The study presented in this paper is based on the analysis of relevant literature. Interactive media has a very important role in fiqh learning because it can help make it easier for fiqh teachers to deliver fiqh learning material and produce active and fun fiqh learning. Therefore, in the era of the Industrial Revolution 4.0, inevitably fiqh teachers must have strong competencies, have soft skills, especially mastery of information technology. The role of the fiqh teacher as an educator is to facilitate the delivery of information to students and make the learning process more active and fun. Interactive media based on the use of technology will greatly support the fiqh learning process because technology is an approach from a hardware point of view that aims to media the implementation of the educational process through the utilization of teaching tools such as teaching machines, language laboratories, programmed teaching, closed circuit television, films, slides, simulators, overhead, video tape recorders and so on. Fiqh teachers are said to be professional if they fulfill several competencies, one of which is from the skills aspect, namely mastering technology and information. Fiqh learning aims to make students understand the material contained in the learning and can apply it in everyday life properly and correctly in accordance with the guidance of sharia. However, before students can practice the fiqh subject matter taught, the subject teacher has the responsibility of understanding students in various ways or methods that are applied and cannot be separated from the contribution of various kinds of media, so that students can easily understand the subject so that it will arouse student interest in learning it, and there are no fatal mistakes in practicing it in everyday life.


Contribution, Interactive Media, Fiqh Learning, Revolutionary Era 4.0

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