Abdan Rahim


Islamic education (PAI) which has been going on seems to be less concerned with the matter how to change cognitive religious knowledge into meaning and value that need to be internationalized in students to move, do and behave in a concrete religious way in their daily lives.
The implementation of religious education in schools still has many weaknesses, even be said to still fail. This failure is caused by the practice of education only concern to the cognitive aspect from the awareness of religious values, meanwhile ignoring the development of affective and conative volitive aspects, namely the willingness to practice the religious values. There has a gap between knowledge and experience, between gnosis and praxis in life of religious values. In practically, Islamic education changes into religious teaching, so that it is unable to build students’ moral individuals, whereas the essence of Islamic education is moral itself. The concept of curriculum integrationis is an epistological and methodological offers to bring students to the balance and awareness of their existence as “servant of God and khalifa†on the one side and the development of science and techonolgy on the other side.


metodologi pengembangan, pendidikan agama islam, saintek, dan informasi

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