Adea Anggun Novita Sari, Zahratun Nufus


This study aims to determine the inflectional affixes and the function of the inflectional affixes in the selected short story "Rumpelstiltskin" by The Brothers Grimm. In analyzing the data, this study employed a qualitative method. Based on the data, this study shows 102 inflectional affixes found in this short story. The inflectional affixes that occur in nouns show 28 words (27.4%), inflectional affixes that occur in verbs show 70 words (68.6%) and inflectional affixes that occur in adjective show 4 words (4%). Inflectional morphemes do not change the grammatical categories and do not change meanings of the words attached to them. In detail, inflectional affixes found in this short story consisted of the suffix "-s, -'s/-'s, -est, -s, -ed, -ing, -er, and –enâ€. The suffix {–s} means plural. The suffix {–‘s or –s’} means possessive. The suffix {–est} means superlative. The suffix {–er} means comparative. The suffix {-ed} means past. The suffix {–ing} means present participle or continuous. The suffix {–en} means the past participle. The most common inflectional affixes found in the short story are the suffix {–ed} with the number of 55 words. It indicates that the most dominant words used in this short story are in simple past form.

Keyword: morphology, morpheme, inflectional affixes, suffix

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