This study was designed due to a consideration that English speaking is a difficult subject to be mastered by young learners and using a right teaching strategy is important to improve their English speaking skill. The study explored the effect of using describing picture strategy on the students‟ improvement of English speaking at the second grade students of SMA Negeri Laenmanen and found out the students‟ problem in learning speaking using describing picture. The study was conducted at SMA Negeri Laenmanen involving 9 students in second grade (class XII). Using quantitative data, the study collected the data through cycle I, cycle II, and questionnaire. The result in this research was indicated that there was improvement of the students’ speaking skill. It was indicated by the students’ mean score of cycle I (26, 22). Scoring the students vocabulary, fluency, pronunciation and comprehension and in classification six students got poor and three students got very poor. Then in percentage there were six students got poor 67.00% and tree students got very poor 33.00%.Was greater than cycleII (42, 77), in classification seven students got very good score and two students god good score, then in percentage there were seven students god very good score 70.00% and two students got good score 30.00%.This means that the use of describing picture strategy improves students‟ English speaking skill. In addition, based on the students’ responses in questionnaire, they considered that describing picture is an effective and suitable strategy in teaching English speaking skill. This finding conform the previous research finding that describing picture can help students to improve students’ English speaking skill.
Keywords: describing picture, students’ speaking skill
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