Considering that there are many various expressions of angry parents and also it have various meanings, the researcher tries to analyze the meanings of parents’ utterance when scolding their children by using the Searle’s theory in sociolinguistic context, in this case are Locution, Illocution, and Perlocution. It is because according to Austin (1962) states that when speakers utter an utterance, it is not always to describe something. By giving utterance, they actually do something. It can say a person is not just saying something but is actually doing something. Researcher use descriptive qualitative research and the data of this study collected through interview. The interview consists of only one question, which is what the sentence is that you often say when you scolding your children. The question’s aim is to help the researcher to do analysis from the answers. The data were collected are defined into locution, illocution and perlocution. The result of this study is there are many meaning are implied in every speaker's utterances and every utterance has a different meaning.
Keywords: Sociolinguistic, Locution, Illocution, Perlocution.Full Text:
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