The objectives of this research are to find out the process of affixation and to know the functions of affixes in fairy tale “The Frog King, or Iron Henry†by Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm. This research used qualitative method to analyze the data. Based on the data, there are two kinds of affixations found in this fairy tale which are prefix and suffix. Prefix is affixes that attach at the beginning of the word. It includes derivational affix which consists of prefix non-, re-, sur-, dis-, up-, in-, and out-. Suffix is affixes that attach at the end of the word. It consists of derivational suffix and inflectional suffix. Derivational suffix changes the grammatical categories of words which consists of suffix -en, -ion, -ly, -some, -ful. Meanwhile, inflectional suffix does not change grammatical categories of words which consists of suffix –s, -es, -‘s, -ed, -en, -er, -est, and –ing. The analysis shows that prefixes and suffixes were found in 118 words. Prefixes show 13 data (11.01 %) and suffixes show 105 data (88,98 %). Here, it can be concluded that suffixes are more dominant than prefixes. Therefore, it can be stated that suffix is more productive than prefix.
Key words: Fairy Tale, Affixation, Prefix, SuffixFull Text:
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