Novia Astuti, Zahratun Nufus, Nur Ifadloh, Laksana Tri Prasetya


The objectives of this research are to know the free and bound Morphemes in William Shakespeare's Poetries. This Research Uses Qualitative Method. The source of this research data is 3 poems from Willian Shakespeare entitled A Fairy Song, Shall I Compare Thee to Summer's Day and Fear No More. In this analysis it was found that the overall results of Free and Bound Morpheme were found as many as 398 data. With free Morpheme distribution was found as many as 340 data (85.42%) and 58 data of Morpheme Bound (14.57%). Free Morpheme is a morpheme that can stand alone without having to plus another morpheme and has the morpheme that means meaning. Morpheme bound is morpheme which is always attached to other morphemes or can have meaning after joining free morpheme.


Bound morpheme, Free morpheme, Poetry, William Shakespeare

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