Naila Khalidah, Azki Nadia


This research stems from the background of various views of scholars in Tanjung Sub-district towards people who are entitled to receive zakat, so that they give zakat sometimes not in accordance with Islamic law. This type of research is field research. The subject of the research is scholars who have views on the asnaf of zakat, while the object of this research is the scholars' views on the giving of zakat from grandchildren to grandmothers in Tanjung Subdistrict. The results showed that the scholars' views on the giving of zakat from grandchildren to grandmothers in Tanjung Subdistrict include: there are 8 groups of people who are entitled to receive zakat. Mainly the poor, if the grandmother is a poor person and there is no one to support her then it is permissible for zakat to be given to her. Especially if the grandmother is a muallaf or gharim. The poor are categorised as poor so that is where one is obliged to give zakat. It is not permissible for a grandchild to give zakaah to a grandmother because it is against Islamic law. A grandchild should give some of his wealth to his grandmother with the intention of charity or gift only.


Zakat, Muzakki, Mustahik.

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