Pahrul Pahrul, Hafizah Hafizah


The government has set a minimum age of marriage, but it cannot be denied that early marriages are still rampant. This is exacerbated by the reality on the ground as a result of early marriage, namely the number of marriages that lead to divorce. The Office of Population Control and Family Planning (DPPKB) as the executor of government duties in matters of population control and overseeing that Indonesian families can live prosperously is one of the authorities in overcoming the problem of early marriage. The results showed that the factors behind the occurrence of early marriage are economic factors, educational factors, factors of parental encouragement and community culture, as well as factors of social media and promiscuity. The impact of early marriage on household life after marriage is the frequent occurrence of quarrels or misunderstandings, until it ends in divorce, as well as the economic impact. So in tackling early marriage in Hulu Sungai Utara District, DPPKB carries out its role and function by continuing to socialise to adolescents and the community with the PUP (maturing age of marriage) program and the GENRE program.


DPPKB, Early Marriage

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