Students’ Perception of TikTok Use on Their Vocabulary Mastery in Learning English at STAI Rakha Amuntai

Dewi Sinta, Jumiati Jumiati, Khairul Washfiah


This study aims to find out the perception in vocabulary mastery of students who use TikTok in English language learning. Researcher aimed to determine the vocabulary mastery of students who use TikTok in English learning in seventh semester of Tadris Bahasa Inggris in STAI Rasyidiyah Khalidiyah Amuntai.
Researcher use qualitative methods. In data collection, researcher used observations, interviews to strengthen results of test obtained from English teacher and documentation supplemented using results of test from English teacher. Results of test from English teacher are useful to reinforce the results of interviews conducted by researcher. The collected data is analyzed by reducing data, presenting data, drawing conclusions and verifying data.
This research found that the perception of students who use TikTok in English language learning in seventh semester of Tadris Bahasa Inggris had a positive impact on students' vocabulary mastery. Students who use TikTok show higher levels of participation and engagement, better vocabulary mastery, and more dynamic interaction between teacher and students. In addition, students who use TikTok are more creative in completing assignments and have greater initiative in learning. However, the study also identified several inhibiting factors, such as potential dependence on online content, poor internet quality, and TikTok content that is not always relevant to learning. To optimize the benefits of using TikTok in English language learning, teacher supervision and guidance must also be appropriate

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