Penggunaan Pocket Chart dalam Pengajaran Bahasa Inggris Dasar di Desa Banyu Hirang, Kecamatan Amuntai Selatan

Siti Anida Maghfira


Abstract: This community service activity was carried out in Banyu Hirang Village, South Amuntai District, with the aim of introducing and implementing pocket charts as a basic English learning medium. Pocket charts are an effective visual aid in composing sentences, enriching vocabulary, and strengthening understanding of grammar in an interactive and interesting way. This activity was attended by teachers and students at elementary school level in the village. The results of the activity show that the use of pocket charts in teaching basic English can increase students' active participation, facilitate understanding of vocabulary and grammar, and create a more enjoyable learning atmosphere. The success of this program is measured by increasing student learning outcomes as well as positive feedback from teachers and students. This activity also has a positive impact on teachers' teaching skills in using creative and innovative learning media.


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