Traditional Pesantren: The Evaluation of Learning Process of “Kitab Kuning”

M Saufi .Rahman, Suyanto Suyanto, Amat Jaedun


This research aims to find out the learning process activities in traditional Islamic boarding schools that use a complete learning system. The research method used a qualitative approach with a case study technique. The research subjects were kiai, ustaz/ustazah and santri in traditional Islamic boarding schools in South Borneo, Indonesia. Data collection techniques used interviews, observation and documentation. The results of this study show that the learning process methods used are memorization, sorogan, wetonan/bandongan, mudzakarah, bahsul masail, question and answer method, peer tutor method, i'rab sentence and role model method. The learning process prepares by planning the book material to be taught, implementing learning by explaining the material in detail by reading the contents of the book in detail, clearly and with factual examples. At the end of learning, the evaluation of santri learning outcomes is carried out thoroughly and continuously to measure the ability of santri to understand the material comprehensively and holistically by checking the knowledge aspect with the ability to read, memorize and explain the content of a book, the attitude aspect with the ability to listen and the skill aspect by reading and demonstrating.

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