Teaching practice is one of essensial elements for teacher education and training. The aims of this study are to find out how pre-service teacher implemented teaching principles and to know the most challenging teaching principle applied in online teaching practice. A case study was used in this research. The participants of this study were pre-service teachers of English Education Department of UIN Antasari Banjarmasin at MTsN 2 Banjarmasin. The data were collected through observation and interview, then analysed based on the theory of Miles and Huberman. This research found that during online teaching practice, pre-service teachers applied some principles such as meaningful learning, anticipation of rewards, strategic investment, and language ego, willingness to communicate, the native language effect, and inter language. However, other principles such as automatically, intrinsic motivation, autonomy, language culture connection, and communicative competence were not implemented by the teachers. The most challenging teaching principle in online teaching practice was applying intrinsic motivation as the pre service teachers need more experience and various strategies to developed students’ intrinsic motivation. Furthermore, there were some challenges faced by the pre-service teachers in applying these principles, namely lack of students’ participation, motivation, and internet connection problems.
Keywords: Teaching Practice, Online Learning, Pre-Service Teacher, Teaching Principles
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