Indonesia students are taught to write starting in elementary school, such as how to arrange simple words, conversations, and even paragraphs, then continue being taught writing until they reach college. Although has been taught in junior and senior high school, most of the students have problems with writing text. They make numerous grammatical, punctuation, and dictation mistakes. Many of them are unable to write coherent paragraphs. All of these issues are impacted by internal students and teacher factors. Many students dislike writing lessons because they believe writing is difficult or that the method of teacher use is boring. Depending on the context and condition of the students, a variety of ways can be employed to teach writing abilities. Teacher should use methods that are simple for students to understand. This method will make students more interested in studying English, and they will not get bored. Mustika (2013) in her research stated that estafet writing is interested method in teaching and learning process as make students feel fun and active. It means that this method will make students actively participate in the learning and teaching process so that the purpose of the class will be fulfilled. This article aims to describe the benefits of using the estafet writing method (EWM) in improving students’ English writing skills and also to know their barriers in writing English text. The result of this article is that EWM makes a significant effect on students writing ability and also shows that the students’ difficulties in writing text are related to many aspects such as content, grammar, organization, and the generic structure itself.
Keywords: Estafet Writing Method, Recount text, Students’ barriers
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